Of course, some viewers may argue that they don’t enjoy the men’s juvenile antics and copious drinking. Is their behavior ridiculous? Yes. Does it add some levity to the show? Also, yes.
So, let’s reminisce about some of the RHONJ husbands’ cringiest moments. You’re welcome.
Joe Giudice’s gymnastic performance

During Season 3 of RHONJ, Teresa Giudice and her husband, “Juicy” Joe Giudice, were entertaining some guests. The wine was flowing, which was no surprise because Juicy loved his wine.
Their daughters were practicing their gymnastic moves on some gym mats in the foyer. And the foyer floor underneath was marble. This was a disaster waiting to happen.
A swaying Juicy stood up, ready to claim his medal for best drunken gymnastic move. As his daughter protested, he replied, “I’m a professional at this. Watch this move.”
I think he may have been going for a one-handed cartwheel but instead rolled over on his shoulder. He slid off onto the marble floor and slammed his face into the marble. Hard.
He chipped his tooth, which sent his daughter Gia Giudice into hysterics. “I chipped my tooth,” Juicy told his wife. Teresa was embarrassed by his antics but sadly was used to his behavior.
Joe Gorga’s Bahamas black-out
During the ninth season, most of the cast headed to The Bahamas to take part in Danielle Staub’s marriage to Marty Caffrey. Danielle was well-known for her mind-blowing 21 engagements. And Marty was her third husband. But alas, this marriage also went down the tubes.
At Marty’s bachelor party, Joe Gorga and Margaret Josephs’ husband, Joe Benigno, joked around with Marty about marrying Danielle. Unfortunately, Marty didn’t appreciate a good b*ll-busting session.
After downing a bottle of Tito’s, Joe G. headed back to his room, where he managed to fall down with a drink still in his hand. He had no memory of the incident but defended how much he had to drink. “I was celebrating for this guy to ruin his life,” Joe said of Marty. This group needs to hire some stunt doubles.
Joe Benigno’s infamous pool push
During the Season 9 finale, Jennifer Aydin and her husband, Dr. Bill Aydin, held a lavish anniversary party at their home. Marty decided to confront Joe B. by the pool and accused him of being jealous of Danielle’s beauty. After a while, Margaret joined her husband and Marty.
But when Marty claimed that Margaret “emasculated” her husband, Joe and Margaret gave Marty a push into the pool. This moment may be cringey, but it is also an iconic RHONJ scene.
Bill Aydin’s drunken adventure
During the tenth season, buttoned-up plastic surgeon Bill accompanied the guys on a fishing trip at the Jersey Shore. The men probably drank the boat’s weight in alcohol, and poor Bill was so drunk that he couldn’t walk.
So, when they arrived back at the shore house, Frank Catania, Joe G., Evan Goldschneider, and Joe B. carried Bill into the house. As they lugged him into the bedroom, Jennifer exclaimed, “What did you guys do to my husband?”
As Jennifer tried to wake him up, Dolores expressed what everyone was thinking. “I knew it was a bad idea for Bill to be unsupervised with these animals,” she stated in her confessional. Of course, one of those animals was her bestie, and ex-husband, Frank.
Finally, Joe G. wiped Bill’s face with a cool cloth, and Bill started trying to squeeze his … breasts. Once she saw that, Jennifer knew that he was fine. And this was the day that Bill earned his nickname, “Tony the Turk.”
Luis Ruelas wears Nonno’s pajamas
I’m going to take a deep breath here and admit that this statement from Luis Ruelas, Teresa’s new husband, freaked me out. Sadly, Teresa and Joe G.’s beloved father, Giacinto “Nonno” Gorga, passed away. He appeared often on RHONJ, whether at family celebrations or just cooking in the kitchen.
So, when Luis shared some information with Joe G. about his choice of sleepwear, it was straight-up weird. “I’m a good man and I live with your four nieces. I wear your father’s pajamas at night to make them feel safe and loving,” Luis stated. Joe G. was struck mute by this bizarre announcement.
Hey, but the Garden State ladies had a lot to say when word spread of Luis sporting Nonno’s pajamas. “But someone who didn’t know Nonno is wearing his pajamas is a little Twilight Zoney strange,” Margaret said. Amen!
Meanwhile, Teresa tried to shut down all the criticism. She claimed that the pajamas were new ones that her father never wore. So, how would that make her daughters “feel safe?” I’m still confused and have a case of the ick.
The waxing of John Fuda

Rachel Fuda and her husband, John Fuda, joined RHONJ during Season 13. During Melissa and Joe G.’s Hawaiian luau party, the men decided to give John a makeover. And it involved hot wax. Yikes!
So, a drunken John’s hairy chest was waxed by the men in front of all the guests. At one point, John yelled at Joe G., “Come on, you p*ssy!” Classy!
Eventually, Rachel’s breaking point came when Joe G. used his bare hands covered in wax to pull the hair off John’s chest. Who does that? Savages!
“That’s enough,” she said. After noticing how red her husband’s chest was, she stated, “If we are not there at the brunch tomorrow at my house, it’s because I’m in the f*cking emergency room.”
Well, there is no doubt that these were the RHONJ husbands’ cringiest moments. Thanks for the memories … I think?
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